Bavarian Honey, Real Specialities, spreadable, 500g

Honey from a good old tradition. Beekeepers call it “multi-flower”, it means a type of honey between flower and forest. A strong one that is collected by bees from blossoming trees and bushes in the Bavarian summertime. Gathered in small quantities and left undisturbed to solidify. The result is an authentic archetype honey that would have had a place in grandma’s kitchen cupboard.

The best of nature from our Bavarian Origin.



characteristic, strong


creamy, spreadable


golden brown


Honey is a natural raw food and therefore not suitable for children aged under 12 months.

Honey is a natural product. Variations in colour and consistency are therefore a sign of its authenticity and do not affect the quality of the honey.

Store away from light and at room temperature.


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